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Foreign Body
GYN Surgical Complications
Foreign Bodies
1921-Foreign Body
This Week's Feature
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1879 - FEWSMITH - Abdominal Retention of a Catheter in the Sac of an Ovarian Tumor for One Year
1884 - WILSON - Foreign Bodies Left in the Abdomen After Laparotomy
1896 - MacLAREN - Contribution to the Statistics of Foreign Bodies in the Peritoneal Cavity
1898 - BOLDT - Foreign Bodies Accidentally Left in the Abdominal Cavity During the Course of Coeliotomies
1901 - BECK - The Fate of Sponges, Ligatures and Other Foreign Bodies in the Peritoneum
1903 - BROTHERS - Foreign Body in the Uterus
1908 - FINDLEY - Foreign Bodies Left in the Abdominal Cavity After Operation
1909 - CROSSEN - Abdominal Surgery Without Detached Pads or Sponges
1913 - SMITH - Needles in the Abdominal Cavity as a Complication of Hysterectomy
1915 - MANN- Foreign Bodies Left in the Abdomen and in Surgical Wounds
1917 - CROSSEN - Foreign Bodies Left in the Abdomen
1919 - LaROQUE - A Gauze Sponge Spontaneously Expelled from the Urinary Bladder
1922 - WHITE - Instruments Left in the Peritoneal Cavity: 44 Cases
1925 - Lawsuit1: Lost Sponge
1925 - Lawsuit2: Lost Sponge
1925 - Lawsuit3: Lost Sponge
1933 - GREENHILL - Foreign Bodies Left in the Abdomen After Operation
1935 - Gauze Sponges: 6 Lawsuits
1939 - LEWISON - A Safe Surgical Sponge
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