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Prenatal Care
Post-Date Pregnancy
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1757 - CORRON - Dissertation sur la cause qui détermine à neuf mois l'accouchement
1764 - CHIROL - Lettre à M.*** où l'on prouve la possibilité des naissances tardives
1764 - LOUIS - Mémoire contre la légitimité des naissances prétendues tardives
1765 - LEBAS - Nouvelles observations sur les naissances tardives
1826 - LYALL - The Medical Evidence Relative to the Duration of Human Pregnancy
1829 - MERRIMAN - Calculations Respecting the Period of Parturition in Women
1859 - STONE - Case of Protracted Gestation
1886 - BAILEY - A Case of Prolonged Gestation
1886 - ROSSIE - A Case of Prolonged Gestation, with Autopsy of the Fetus
1889 - ACKER - A Case of Prolonged Gestation
1896 - SPRENKEL - Prolongation of Pregnancy: Its dangers and Treatment
1900 - EDITORIAL - Prolonged Gestation and the Induction of Labor
1905 - BLAU - On the Duration of Pregnancy in the Human Subject
1907 - ALLEN - "Prolonged Gestation" : A Consideration of the Advisability of Interruption in Certain Cases
1911 - WRIGHT - Prolonged Pregnancy
1915 - ROBERTSON - On the Fortuitous Origin of Departures from the Normal Period of Gestation in Man
1922 - BALLANTYNE - The Problems of Foetal Post-Maturity and Prolongation of Pregnancy
1922 - OLIVER - The Natural Limit of the Duration of Human Gestation
1926 - NICHOLSON - Certain Observations Regarding Prolongation of Pregnancy
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