Sloane Maternity Hospital, New York


Edwin Bradford CRAGIN (1859-1918)


Sloane Hospital Director 1898-1918

Cragin is probably best known today for his use of the expression: "Once a cesarean...always a Cesarean".

You can read my historical review of this expression by clicking here.

1840 - New York Asylum for Lying-In Women 1850 - Private Lying-In Asylum NYC 1850 - STORER - Statistics of the Boston Lying-In Hospital 1870 - Bellevue Hospital 1874 - LUSK - Clinical Report of the Lying-In Service at Bellevue Hospital 1890 - MANTON - On the Construction of Small Lying-In Hospitals 1892 - Second Annual Report of the Midwifery Dispensary, 314 Broome Street, New York City 1893 - EMMET - Reminiscences of the Founders of the Woman's Hospital Association, NYC 1902 - BAKER - The Origin, Growth, and Work of the Free Hospital for Women, Boston, Mass. 1902 - DICKINSON - The New Lying-In Hospital in New York 1906 - Report of the Hospital of the Woman's Medical College of Pennsylvania 1911 - PRICE - Importance of Hospitals in the Education of Young Physicians 1916 - HOLDEN - Obstetrics and Gynecology under Ideal Conditions in a General Hospital 1918 - BROUN - Surgical Record System of the Woman's Hospital 1918 - CRAGIN - The Functions of a Woman's Hospital in a Large City 1918 - STEVENS - The Maternity Department 1921 - Directory of Maternity Hospitals in the U.S.A. 1928 - BAILEY - A Report of Five Tears' Activities of the Maternity Service, Cornell Division, Bellevue Hospital 1928 - CARROLL - Should Obstetrics Be Standardized in Accredited Hospitals? 1929 - WILLIAMS - The Sloane Hospital for Women; its Development, Significance, and Possibilities 1930 - HIRST - An Association of Women's Hospitals 1940 - HEATON - Obstetrics at the New York Almshouse and at Bellevue Hospital 1942 - ERIKSON - Planning of Maternity Sections of General Hospitals 1945 - PASTORE - The Lying-In Hospital of New-York